
Urgency vs. Priority

Living Spring Church
Life is full of things demanding our immediate attention. Whether it's our kids, our friends, the media, or our phone screen, it's easy to become consumed with the "urgent" on a daily basis. But in our efforts to tend to the urgent, are we neglecting those things that are truly important? Guest speaker Jonathan Puckett bring us the message this week.
Sunday, May 22, 2016


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Bad things usually happen when we get distracted. Sometimes those bad things are small. But if you’ve ever been distracted while driving or doing something important, you know how serious it is to keep your focus. But what if you were distracted from something God wanted to show you? Join us for the next 12 weeks as we talk about the things that may be distracting you from recognizing your true purpose, and how to get focused back on what matters most.

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