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At Living Spring we believe that a relationship with God is experienced best in community. This is not just the church community but also the neighborhoods in which we live. We believe the Bible is God's word and is the key to understanding who God is and the key to understanding the life that Jesus came to give us through his life, death and resurrection. We want to REACH our neighborhoods with the love of the Father, RESTORE lives to healthy relationship in the son and RESPOND to a move of God's Spirit.ALL ARE WELCOME
At Living Spring, caring for our community is one of our main ministry focuses. We love being able to serve our city and our neighborhood in practical ways that show God's love. Click on any of the buttons to view the ways we are serving our community right now.
Many people live with a divided heart—spiritually active but emotionally stuck. In Wholehearted, we’ll explore how true ...
We believe that we find God in the process of giving. Whether we give to those in our community or our personal tithes and offerings that we give to God through the local church. We are happy to partner with you as you give to God and we are honored that you would trust Living Spring to be a conduit for your generosity.