
Closer - What Can You Carry?

John Rittenhouse
Ever played tug-o-war? It’s best to have strong people on your team. You can pull as hard as you want but if you are by yourself you are going to lose. Maybe you have been taught that in your life with God you had to do it all yourself. Learn more, try harder, be bold and don’t give up. It sounds good. But what if God isn’t asking you to do that? What if every part of moving closer to Jesus involves other people? What if you are just responsible for a corner of the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, January 23, 2022



Are we there yet? Any of us who travelled as kids know that question. Our culture celebrates people that have “arrived.” But what does it mean to arrive in your relationship with God? Maybe we shouldn’t look at Jesus as a destination but a traveling partner. Maybe our job isn’t to arrive but to just get one step closer.

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