
Everyone Contributes Something

Money is important, consuming, and powerful in our society. We talk about it, work for it, dream about it, admire those who have it, and sometimes will do whatever we can to get more of it. But why does the church talk about money so much? And why does the Bible talk about money? Isn't it supposed to be "the root of all evil"? This week we take a look at how God designed us to use money, and see how, with His guidance, we can be freed from the cycle of chasing after money.
Sunday, March 6, 2016


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In life we are used to ratings. We rate products, restaurants, services and all sorts of things. Our experiences are important. However, a problem arises when we start rating our spiritual lives. What if our life with God was more of an expedition than an experience? This new series is about embarking on a journey with other people in order to reach places we could never reach on our own.

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