An Unhurried Life

An Unhurried Life - The Sabbath

Michelle Ramage
Sabbath is a gift from God that brings freedom and delight. Join Pastor Michelle as she explores the differences between Pharaoh and Yahweh and the abundant life sabbath keeping can bring in a world addicted to productivity. We worship a God who rests and he invites us to do the same.
Sunday, July 12, 2020


An Unhurried Life

We live in an instant society. Instant coffee, instant gratification, instant outrage and instant opinions. It’s exhausting. But what if it didn’t have to be so frantic? Jesus modeled a busy life that accomplished everything that needed to get done. And he was unhurried. This series helps us see what things we can remove or incorporate into our lives to live “An Unhurried Life”  You can purchase the book by Alan Fadling on Amazon or at our church.

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