A Journey Through Luke

A Journey Through Luke - The Cost

John Rittenhouse
Jesus emphasizes the commitment of our lives required of his followers, stressing that true discipleship commands self-sacrifice and a willingness to prioritize God's kingdom above all else. As we continue our journey through Luke this week, Pastor John talks about how surrendering personal desires, taking up one's cross daily, and embracing a life of humility and service, reflect the profound sacrifice modeled by Jesus.
Sunday, March 10, 2024


A Journey Through Luke

One of the joys of studying the scriptures is the diversity of perspectives in the four Gospels. In this series we look at the Gospel of Luke where the author sets out to make a careful inquiry of the life of Jesus. We will discuss the differences in the book of Luke and the other Gospels as well as explore the rich discovery that Luke provides in miracles, parables and stories of Jesus.

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