Can I Change%3f - Six Biblical Principals To Help Us Get Unstuck

Can I Change - Predecision

John Rittenhouse
As we conclude our series of Can I Change, Pastor John talks about how making up our minds before we get to a place of temptation, we can keep ourselves from stumbling more effectively. Waiting until the moment of truth to make up our minds to do what God tells us can leave us in a potentially troublesome place.
Sunday, October 15, 2023


Can I Change? - Six Biblical Principals To Help Us Get Unstuck

We all have areas in our life that we would wish were different. Some come with age, some come with new chapters in our life and some we’ve been dealing with for years. So how do we change? And how do we know where to start? In this series we talk about what timeless texts teach us about our human nature and our ability to change.

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